HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, and Luminance. This system is easier for finding colors that meet WCAG color contrast requirements compared to RGB or Hexadecimal systems.
Color Contrast by Content Type
The WCAG Color Contrast requirement applies to all web content, including text, images, links, buttons, interface elements, tables, icons, and more.
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is a device, application, setting, or adaption that a person with a disability needs to access digital content.
Titles and Heading 1s
Titles and heading 1 are both critical for screen reader users, each has a different purpose.
Faux Headings
A faux heading is text that looks like a heading in size, weight, or color but is not formatted with an HTML heading tag or a document heading style.
Heading Hierarchies
Think of headings as an outline or table of contents for your webpage. If a user only reads the headings on your page, headings will describe your web page’s main…
Accessibile Alternatives for Audio and Video
Types of alternative media available to make audio and video content accessible.
Create Accessible Color Palettes
Text color and it’s background color must meet specific contrast requirements.
Accessible Text Sizes
Text size is usually measured in points, but text size is measured in pixels for digital publishing. Here’s a chart listing WCAG accessible font sizes.
Color Pickers and Contrast Checkers
Resources to help you choose colors and make them accessible.
Starting October 2024