A Digital Accessibility Quick Reference Guide

Accessible Text Sizes

WCAG 2.1 AA Text Size Requirements Chart. WCAG only defines a large text size. The industry best practice for regular text size is 12 point.

WCAG only defines a large text size. The industry best practice for regular text size is 12 point.

WCAG 2.1 AA Text Size Requirements

Text SizePoint SizePixel SizeWeightContrastWCAG Level
Large18 pt and larger24 px and largerNormal3:1Level AA
Large14 pt and larger19 px and largerBold3:1Level AA
Regular13 pt18 pxBold4.5:1Level AA
Regular12 pt16 pxNormal4.5:1Level AA
Small11 pt and smaller15 px and smallerNormal or Bold4.5:1Level AA

If two different fonts have the same point size, they may not display the same, for example:

Example of 18 pt Savoy font text is smaller than18 pt Ariel font text but 22 pt Savoy font text is a more similar size.